April 29, 2008

The Wilson Family

My friend Hunter is here! He was born on April 21st. His parents are mommy and daddy's friends from school-Nathan and Alison Wilson. Look how cute he is! I can't wait to meet him!

The Wilson Family

Baby Hunter

April 25, 2008

Tummy Time!

I practiced my tummy time today! Look how strong I'm getting!


April 24, 2008

Doctor's Checkup!

I went to the doctor today for my 2-month checkup. I weigh 12lbs 5oz and I'm 24 inches long! The doctor said I'm really healthy and he gave me some eyedrops to help control all my eye goop!

April 19, 2008

2 Months Old Today!!!

I'm growing so fast! I spent the day down at Auntie Ann's farm with Nana, cousin Abigail, and Mommy. Mommy let me lay down in my stroller under the shade trees and feel the nice cool breeze. I loved it! All the horses didn't quite know what to think of me! I didn't really know what to make of them either though...I just stared and stared. I think I would like to go back there really soon!

2 Months Old!

Abigail and Petey

Me and Auntie Ann

Asleep under the tree

April 17, 2008

I Love My Daddy!!!

I love taking naps with Daddy!

You can't make me look at that camera.

Seriously Mom? Give it up.

April 1, 2008

My First Road Trip

Mom and Dad took me on my first road trip today. We went to Houston to see Mama Sue, Papa Joe, Aunt Lindsey, and Uncle Will. I also got to meet my Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather. I was pretty tired after my long trip so Great Grandma let me take a nap in her arms.

Mom and Dad said I did really well for my first trip. I didn't really like sitting in my carseat for so long but I tried to sleep as much as I could so it would go by faster. Phew...I'm exhausted!
