Addi had her first day of school today! She LOVED it! She was really excited to go because we kept telling her all week how much fun school was going to be and that she got to take Petey (her horse) and the "pac-pack" (backpack) with her. She is OBSESSED with her backpack. She wants to have it on her all of the time and she'll just walk around saying "pac-pack." Charlie took her up for registration a few weeks ago and she got to play on their awesome playground so we made sure she knew she was going to get to play on the playground again at school. When we dropped her off she whined for a nano second when we said we were leaving but as soon as we told her she was going to stay there and play and mommy and daddy were going to come get her later she was just fine. The teachers said she didn't nap very well (they forgot to give her her paci) but she didn't cry the whole day! When we went to pick her up she showed us all of the neat toys she had gotten to play with and she didn't want to leave.
We welcomed Addison Olivia on February 19, 2008. We started this blog to keep all of our friends and family up to date on how quickly she grows and all of our latest news. Thanks for stopping by!
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