Aunt Lindsey is the Musical Director at Westchester Academy and we got to catch the debut of her fall show! They produced Peter Pan and it was AMAZING!! Complete with flying characters of course! She is so talented and she has such a great group of kids. We got to take Addison to see a little bit of the dress rehearsal before opening night. The last time we went to see one of Lindsey's musicals was when I was about 7 months pregnant and Addison kicked the entire time. This time was no exception! It was really funny because we were sitting right behind the orchestra pit with them facing us and one of the strings players kept giggling because Addison was so excited and throwing her arms everywhere like she was conducting her own show. She loved it. It will be really nice when we can actually take her to see the actual show! Great job Linds!!!
When we got to Houston, Mama Sue had just gotten back with pretty much the entire toy section of Target! Addi, of course, was in heaven. Not only did she have a bunch of new toys but she also had a bunch of new boxes to play with! Papa Joe read to her almost every single night. Reading has quickly become one of Addison's favorite things. If you put that book down and she's not ready to be finished with it she will let you know! So she really enjoyed being able to sit on Papa Joe's lap and have a new voice reading her books.
Here are a few pics from the week:
With her Great Grandmother
Ohh. . . it looks like she is having so much fun with Grandpa Joe!!! :)
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